Ergonomics – Your Home & Work Set Up

Ergonomics – Your Home & Work Set Up

Your osteopath or chiropractor are great to see for those niggly lower backaches or tedious headaches. But to ensure your long term improvement, helping yourself to minimize the regularities of these issues is the best way to go. I know I can be a bit militant about...
Gluteal Tendinopathy

Gluteal Tendinopathy

Do you have hip pain or pain travelling down the side of your leg? Does your hip pain get worse with exercise, lying on your side, crossing your leg’s or walking up a hill? Is your hip pain achy, spreading or deep? You could have Gluteal Tendinopathy with or...
Top Causes Of Inadequate Sleep

Top Causes Of Inadequate Sleep

Sleep is vitally important for good health, to allow your body to recover and to enable you to learn, be creative and concentrate throughout the day.  The brain performs many important tasks while you are asleep such as forming memories and going through the day’s...
Common Foot Injuries, Lumps and Bumps

Common Foot Injuries, Lumps and Bumps

They keep us grounded, get us where we need to go and bear the brunt of exercise, but instead of treating our feet with the attention they deserve, we often sacrifice the health of our feet.  Here are some of the most Common Foot Injuries, Lumps and Bumps that we...