Healthy Living
Stretching Tips for Road Trips
Use these Stretching Tips for Road Trips to help keep you comfortable in the car or on the plane this Christmas! With the holiday season approaching many of us face long road trips and time spent in aeroplanes and this can put a lot of strain on your body....
7 Tips to Help Keep Your Children Stress Free This Christmas
The Christmas/Summer holiday is almost here. This time of year is busy! Along with the end of year school assemblies and concerts, work Christmas parties and functions, Christmas baking, stressing over holiday budgets and shopping comes STRESS! Often we as adults...
Things I Wish My Patients Did…. An Osteopath’s Perspective on how you can help yourself!
I love it when people want to improve their health & happiness with a well thought out fitness regime that’s relevant to their body. However I’m less keen when it’s a standardised program that doesn’t allow for adaptation & recognition of individual needs....
A Journey to Elcho Island – Part Three
A Journey to Elcho Island - Part Three - There was a beautiful collaboration between the Balanda (White people), health professionals and Yolngu participants. At the orientation with Tim and Kama Trudgen (the founders of Hope for Health) who have lived on the Island...
A journey to Elcho Island – Part Two
A journey to Elcho Island - Part Two. The participants on the retreat went through a detoxification process including a three day liquid fast and overnight fasts after only bone broths for dinner. The participants were detoxing from smoking, sugar, processed foods,...
A journey to Elcho Island – Part One
I am now on the flight home from Darwin as I write of my experiences on Elcho Island, East Arnhem Land for the first Indigenous ‘Hope for Health’ Retreat (August 27th – September 10th 2016). Some weeks just come and go without any real significant change, growth or...
New Year – New You
Happy New Year! We hope you had a fabulous Christmas with your family and friends and a refreshing and relaxing break! With the start of a New Year comes new opportunities and new beginnings. New hopes, new ideas, new dreams, new plans and often New Years Resolutions...
Anxiety Disorders
Terminology about anxiety symptoms have become embedded lingo in general conversations beyond their clinical application- We say “I was having a panic attack when...”, and “I have a phobia about ...”, and “... sorry I’m a bit O-C-D”. These declarations are generally...
Tennis Elbow
Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow, is a painful condition involving the tendons that attach to the bone on the outside (lateral) part of the elbow. The muscle usually involved in this condition, the extensor carpi radialis brevis, helps to move the...
Sciatica – Do You Really Have It? The Causes Of Posterior Leg Pain
One of the most common presentations of pain to our clinic is described as ‘sciatica’. Sciatica is typically pain that radiates through the buttock and down the back of the leg, sometimes into the foot and toes. I would like to distinguish between true sciatica...
Body of Life Health Centre is a provider of excellence in health services and education,
servicing the Northern Beaches and North Shore.
We exist to equip you to live your healthiest and best life. We are a multidisciplinary team of health practitioners that provide a range of services to you, your family and the local community.
Book in to see an Osteopath, Psychologist, Massage Therapist, Acupuncturist or Dr of Chinese Medicine with us because we can support you to make the changes you need to feel your best!
We inspire, equip, educate and support our clients on the Northern Beaches and North Shore to make the changes they need to feel their best!