Healthy Living

Sleeping Like A Baby in 2018 – 5 Tips For Adults!
Any parent will tell you that not all babies sleep ‘like a baby’. Initially they might sleep well as they enter the world exhausted from childbirth and milk ‘drunk’ from a good breast or bottle-feed! As a parent, teaching your child how to sleep is one of the first...

Tips to Help You Survive Without Injury this Season!
It's that time of year again, the rugby and soccer seasons are starting and the 10 week period after new years resolution training regimes means you have hit the wall… The niggles in shoulder, backs, hips, knees and ankles have started. The morning stiffness and the...

7 Tips to Staying Healthy During the Christmas Season!
With the year coming to an end and the Christmas party seasonupon us, our health and fitness goals may start to fall by the wayside. Our healthydiets and lifestyle can easily be thrown out the window as we start to overindulgein richer food, drink more alcohol and...

Christmas Tips for your Mental Health from Body of Life
Christmas can be a challenging time for our stress levels and it's even harder for those of us with depression, anxiety or panic. So many things that are part of our routines and we take for granted become disrupted by the change of pace in our lives at this time...

Femoro-acetabular Impingement (FAI) Syndrome
Femoro-acetabular impingement (FAI) syndrome is defined as a pain or discomfort experienced in the hip during movement, due to an impingement or abnormal contact in the hip joint. The hip joint is also known as the femoro-acetabular joint, which is formed between the...

8 Ways to Reduce the Toxins in Your Life and Home
Did you know that over the last 50 years, around 80,000 to 90,000 chemicals have been introduced into our food supply chain and environment and this list continues to grow. These man-made chemicals enter our environment and spread through our water,...

7 Positive Things that Organisation and Cleaning Impact Upon Your Mental and Physical Well being
Cleaning and housework is let’s be honest one of the necessities of life– however it isn’t all that bad! In fact, being clean and organised can have a wonderful effect not just on your surroundings but on your mental and physical wellbeing too. Organising, cleaning...

Postpartum – Osteopathy Can Help….
The body’s ability to adapt to pregnancy physiologically & structurally is quite remarkable. The whole body has to accommodate the increasing size of the uterus & the increased weight & changes to a woman’s centre of gravity. The impact of these structural...

TMJ Issues Explained
TMJ ISSUES EXPLAINED... A lot of people are surprised to discover that Osteopaths & Chiropractors treat the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), more commonly known as the jaw. However, there are a number of compelling reasons that an Osteopath or Chiropractor may...

School Bags – What You Need to Know
Heavy or incorrectly fitted school bags are one of the causes of back pain and neck pain in children and adolescents. A study published in the Australian Journal of Physiotherapists about adolescents found that carrying a bag for more than 30 minutes daily and taking...
Body of Life Health Centre is a provider of excellence in health services and education,
servicing the Northern Beaches and North Shore.
We exist to equip you to live your healthiest and best life. We are a multidisciplinary team of health practitioners that provide a range of services to you, your family and the local community.
Book in to see an Osteopath, Psychologist, Massage Therapist, Acupuncturist or Dr of Chinese Medicine with us because we can support you to make the changes you need to feel your best!
We inspire, equip, educate and support our clients on the Northern Beaches and North Shore to make the changes they need to feel their best!