Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Do you struggle to comb your luscious locks in the morning? Or how about reaching into the overhead cupboard to grab a snack? Or maybe you struggle to sleep on a particular side at night due to an ache in the shoulder. If this sounds familiar, you may have a rotator...
Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

This week is National Pain Week (20th-26th July 2015).  The campaign this year is all about ‘Pain….Let’s talk about it’. So, let’s talk about it. Pain exists and affects all of us at some stage in life. For some people however, it becomes a daily reality due to...
Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition that develops as inflammation of the thick fibrous tissue, called the plantar fascia that covers the sole of your foot, running from the heel to the base of the toes. Under normal circumstances the plantar fascia acts as an...
How To Avoid Those Extra Kilos In Winter

How To Avoid Those Extra Kilos In Winter

During the colder months it’s easy to slip into bad habits and the weight can creep on.  Here are some easy tips on How to Avoid Those Extra Kilos In Winter and maintain a healthy weight. Continue to exercise regularly Ensure you drink plenty of fluids to stay...
Your Home Office Set Up

Your Home Office Set Up

Technically speaking if you’re working from home your home office needs to meet ergonomic safety standards. If you work for a big company with great resources they really ought to provide an onsite check for you- especially if you primarily work from home. Here are...