Your Home Office Set Up

Your Home Office Set Up

Technically speaking if you’re working from home your home office needs to meet ergonomic safety standards. If you work for a big company with great resources they really ought to provide an onsite check for you- especially if you primarily work from home. Here are...
Ergonomics – Your Home & Work Set Up

Ergonomics – Your Home & Work Set Up

Your osteopath or chiropractor are great to see for those niggly lower backaches or tedious headaches. But to ensure your long term improvement, helping yourself to minimize the regularities of these issues is the best way to go. I know I can be a bit militant about...
The Scary Statistics About Back Pain

The Scary Statistics About Back Pain

23, 532, 632 is the approximate number of people living in Australia. 1, 800, 000 is the approximate number of people living in Australia with current back problems. 18, 400, 000 is the approximate number of people living in Australia who will develop back problems at...


It’s not greek to me – despite the origins of its name being Greek – Osteo- bone; arth- joint; it is- inflammation = Osteoarthritis. Hopefully after reading this article osteoarthritis (OA) will no longer be Greek to you either… OA is a condition that affects the...