Eating Healthy On A Budget doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. Here are some tips you can use everyday to eat healthy on a budget.

  • Plan your meals. Not only will you stick to your budget, but there will be less wastage at the end of the week, you’ll be more organised and time efficient.
  • Store food correctly. If you store your fresh produce correctly in the fridge then you will have minimal wastage.
  • Use leftovers. There’s nothing worse than throwing out a perfectly good meal just because there’s too much of it or it was at the back of the fridge, forgotten. Store leftovers correctly, freeze them if possible, or place them in clear or glass storage containers in a prominent position in your fridge so you remember they are there.
  • Make extra and freeze. It’s always good to have a few spare meals in your freezer for those nights when you rush through the door five minutes before dinner. Whether it’s just adding some steamed veggies or a salad to the side, it makes for a quick and easy meal.
  • Use what’s in season. Buying foods in season is much less expensive than buying out of season.


    Eating Healthy On A Budget – Body of Life Health Centre

  • Start your own veggie patch. Whether it’s simply herbs to add flavour to a dish, or the basics for a salad, there’s nothing nicer than being able to grow some of your own fruits and/or vegetables. Get the kids involved too as well as saving some money!
  • Buy fresh where possible. As always fresh, whole foods are better than highly processed, packaged foods. However, tinned or frozen fruits and vegetables can be good to have on hand for when things are out of season or for making a last minute meal.
  • Choose less expensive cuts of meat. Not only will you be able to keep meat on the menu, but you’ll get to experiment with different methods of cooking, from roasting and grilling, to using a slow cooker or pressure cooker.
  • Buy from local farmers/growers markets. It’s a great way to get fresh produce straight from the farm. It will also be produce that’s in season, cheaper and the profits will go straight to the growers and farmers.
  • Eat in. Takeaway foods and eating out are expensive, and not always the healthiest of options. Enjoy cooking at home, with the family and trying new recipes.

If you would like a more individualised plan to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle please book an appointment with Danielle Dive at Body of Life Health Centre on 94533046.

Article by Danielle Dive (Dietitian and Nutritionist)