Healthy Living

Top Foods for Keeping Your Immune System Healthy this Autumn
This Autumn make sure that you keep your immune system healthy by eating these foods!

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional bowel disorder more commonly affecting women, with symptoms normally first appearing before the age of 35. The main symptoms experienced by people with IBS are: - Abdominal pain - Alternating bowel habits...

Help! My baby has a TIGHT JAW!
Breastfeeding may be natural, but it is not always easy! When breastfeeding isn’t going well, it can be very distressing for everyone concerned. Understanding why some babies struggle to breastfeed can help in identifying possible solutions and getting both mother and baby on their way to a successful breastfeeding relationship.

Movement and milestones: What to expect in your baby’s first year
Babies are born to move! They are learning new skills and constantly adapting to the world around them. During their first year, you will watch as your baby’s movement patterns go from jerky and unplanned to become smooth and coordinated. This gives rise to milestones such as rolling over, sitting independently, crawling and walking.

Unsettled Babies – Help! Why is my Baby Crying?
There are many reasons why babies cry. First and foremost, crying is a newborn’s way of communicating their needs, whether they be hungry, tired or uncomfortable. However, some babies cry more than others! Excessive crying and unsettled babies can be very stressful and anxiety-provoking for parents and can put them at risk of postnatal depression. As an osteopath and IBCLC, my role is to be somewhat of a detective, putting together all of the pieces of the puzzle to figure out what is going on and how to fix it.

4 Reasons to see a women’s health physio after you’ve had a baby
4 Reasons to see a women’s health physio after you’ve had a baby.

Wrist pain in mums…
Of the many surprises that having a baby can bring, wrist and hand pain is a common complaint amongst new mums. This is thanks to your new bundle of joy and the extra work and repetitive tasks of lifting, holding and settling that come along with caring for your new baby.

When breastfeeding hurts!
Breastfeeding may be natural, but it is not always easy and sometimes it can hurt!

Exercise in Pregnancy
Gone are the days when pregnancy meant that you needed to put your feet up and avoid exercise. In fact, research suggests that exercise has many benefits: Maintains and improves maternal fitness Prevents excessive weight gain Psychological benefits including...

When Pregnancy is a pain in the bum…
When pregnancy is a pain in the bum Wincing as you roll over in bed. Grimacing as you attempt to get up from the couch or out of the car. Pain with walking. Avoiding taking the stairs. Losing sleep because you just can't get comfortable. Sound familar?...
Body of Life Health Centre is a provider of excellence in health services and education,
servicing the Northern Beaches and North Shore.
We exist to equip you to live your healthiest and best life. We are a multidisciplinary team of health practitioners that provide a range of services to you, your family and the local community.
Book in to see an Osteopath, Psychologist, Massage Therapist, Acupuncturist or Dr of Chinese Medicine with us because we can support you to make the changes you need to feel your best!
We inspire, equip, educate and support our clients on the Northern Beaches and North Shore to make the changes they need to feel their best!